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Privé MEDSPA DEEP Skin Hydration with Juvéderm® Hydrate™

Juvéderm® Hydrate™ is not classified as a filler or volumising treatment. Rather this product has been specifically designed to improve skin hydration and elasticity in the face, neck, décolletage and hands.

Juvéderm®Hydrate™ is a type of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal filler with the specific goal of making your skin appear smooth, soft and toned. Juvéderm® Hydrate™ helps attract and hold moisture within the skin to restore a healthy natural glow. This product also features an anti-oxidising agent, helping to prevent the build-up of free radicals in the skin, so the effects of your treatment can be prolonged.

For what conditions is Juvéderm®Hydrate™ used?

It can treat and improve the appearacne of ageing hands, neck, face and décolleté.

When should one start using Juvéderm®Hydrate™ treatments?

Wrinkle and volume loss treatment should start as soon as one sees a wrinkle developing when the wrinkles are still "soft". If these wrinkles are neglected they become "ingrained" and "scar like" and they tend to become impossible to treat successfully. If we intervene early, we can prevent the breaks in the skin, commonly known as wrinkles. In addition, if the wrinkles are filled up with fillers, this exerts pressure on the fibroblasts in the area and collagen is stimulated which then gets incorporated into the wrinkle area and causes prolonged filling effects and wrinkle improvement.



Can Juvéderm® Hydrate™ be combined with other treatments?

Yes, Juvéderm® Hydrate™ can be used in conjunction with other fillers and injectable treatments, as well as exfoliating and rejuvenating peel treatments and various lasers. Your customised treatment package will be discussed to ensure your desired goals are achieved.

What should I expect after having a Juvéderm®Hydrate™ treatment?

You may put makeup on the treated area immediately and resume whatever activities you have planned, as long as you recognize that you may be a little red and swollen for up to 2days.

There can be virtually no swelling or bruising, but this differs for each individual - the older you are the easier you might bruise in the treated area. Normal daily activities can be resumed immediately after the treatment. At Clinica Privé the option of a complimentary PDT/LED after the procedure is available. This is a healing, anti ageing light which further reduces bruising and swelling and prolongs the effect of the filler. You will also be provided with an ice pack to take home which lessens the redness and swelling, if this is required.

At Clínica Privé you are asked to have a follow up consult at two weeks when everything is settled to evaluate your results and ensure that you are satisfied with the outcome and have had no problems. Try to avoid aspirin, myprodol, omega 3 or products containing a high-dosage vitamin E supplements for 10 days before the filler procedure (unless medically necessary) to avoid bruising.

After the filler procedure, it's recommended to avoid saunas and steam baths for 2 weeks.


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